We are delighted to invite applications for the Hebrew Manuscript Studies: Codicology, Palaeography, Art History summer workshop, taking place from 26 June to 7 July 2023 and led by Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (OCHJS and Corpus Christi College), Agata Paluch (Freie Universität Berlin / EsKnow) and César Merchán-Hamann (OCHJS and Bodleian Library). The Summer Workshop in Oxford […]
Tag: Hebrew manuscripts
“Alongside formal compositions, blanks spaces were used to record family histories, economic woes, and ritual practices. From the historian’s point of view, this means that even kabbalistic manuscripts – devoted to esoteric theological, cosmological, and ritual speculations – can be valuable sources for social and cultural history.”
This event has been postponed to 2022! Save the date! We’re co-organising workshops on early modern Hebrew Mss with OCHJS at the Bodleian Library. First time in a new format, more info via: https://www.ochjs.ac.uk/summer-workshop-medieval-and-early-modern-hebrew-manuscript-studies/