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2023 Hebrew Manuscript Studies Workshop (Oxford-Berlin Partnership): Call for Applications Open!

We are delighted to invite applications for the Hebrew Manuscript Studies: Codicology, Palaeography, Art History summer workshop, taking place from 26 June to 7 July 2023 and led by Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (OCHJS and Corpus Christi College), Agata Paluch (Freie Universität Berlin / EsKnow) and César Merchán-Hamann (OCHJS and Bodleian Library). The Summer Workshop in Oxford […]


The Fallen Sukkah of Yitshak Eilenburg: From the Margins of an Early Modern Ashkenazi Kabbalistic Manuscript

“Alongside formal compositions, blanks spaces were used to record family histories, economic woes, and ritual practices. From the historian’s point of view, this means that even kabbalistic manuscripts – devoted to esoteric theological, cosmological, and ritual speculations – can be valuable sources for social and cultural history.”


POSTPONED to 2022: Summer Workshop on Hebrew Manuscripts in Early Modern World

This event has been postponed to 2022! Save the date! We’re co-organising workshops on early modern Hebrew Mss with OCHJS at the Bodleian Library. First time in a new format, more info via: